Kitten Cuteness Overload

I believe that I have just created a new tongue twister. Anywho, I decided that it was time to introduce to you our new family members. Smokie, my sister’s cat, gave birth to 2 kittens about a month ago. I know, I should be punished for not mentioning it earlier or not posting pictures. So, without further ado (or is it adieu? I forget sometimes), here are the 2 kittens. They are both Siamese! We’ve decided to name them something so very simple: Brother and Sister. Of course, this is liable to change as they get older and run around the house, chasing the dog and biting on it’s tail!

Kittens2 004Here they are, half asleep. Of course, we have taken new pictures since the 13th, but they are still on the camera. I keep forgetting to transfer those! If I am correct, and sis, please feel free to correct me, Sister is on the left, and Brother is on the right.

They are getting very rambunctious. Often times, they will play so aggressively that one will yelp in pain and Mother Smokie will come to the rescue. She plays referee most of the time.

Kittens2 002As you can see, they are playing. They can’t run correctly just yet, but they are getting practice by “scampering” on the bed. Their personalities could not be anymore different. Brother is a big Mama’s Boy and loves to be held. He will become a lap kitty. Sister is the adventurer. She will climb any pillow mountain to get to the top.

They are eating a little bit of canned kitty food. They really prefer the sauce more than the food itself. What they don’t eat, Smokie and Princess will finish off.

Brother and Sister also wake up to every little sound. Here’s a scenario… okay, so it’s really not a scenario. It’s happened before. They were both sleeping on the bed while I was sitting in the living room playing with my dog. When I decided to go lay down for a bit, I looked to see if my sister had placed the kittens back in their bed or they were playing. Well, they were sleeping. As I walked into the bedroom, their little eyes popped open and you hear Brother meow. Oh great. I woke them up! But, they really do like to be around you and held.

I can only hope they give Zeus a run for his money.

2 responses to “Kitten Cuteness Overload

  1. Our little bundles of energy. Love them to death!

  2. They are just too cute for words!! So glad they are healthy and eating…..

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